Our ceremony was based heavily on a wedding ceremony document dating from the 1500's. This document, written with Olde English spelling and pronunciation, was provided to us by our officiant, Tony Guida (a.k.a, "Sinnius Vice"). The primary modifications were of the bride and groom's names and the addition of the personal vows and the hand-fasting ceremony.
ForewordDEERELY beloved frendes:we are gathered together here in the syght of God, and in the face of his congregacion, to joyne together this man and this woman in holy matrimonie, which is an honorable estate instituted of God in paradise, in the time of mannes innocencie, signifying unto us the misticall union that is betwixte Christe and his Churche: whiche holy estate, Christe adorned and beutifiedand is commended of Sainct Paule to be honourable emong all men; and therefore is not to bee enterprised, nor taken in hande unadvisedlye, lightelye, or wantonly, to satisfie mens carnal lustes and appetites, like brute beastes that have no understanding: but reverentely, discretely, advisedly, soberly, Duely consideryng the causes for the whiche matrimonie was ordeined. One cause was the procreacion of children,Into the whiche holy estate these two persones present: come nowe to be joyned. Therefore if any man can shewe any juste cause why they maie not lawfully be joyned so together: Leat him now speake, or els hereafter for ever hold his peace. [Priest pauses to wait for any challenge] The Questions[Priest then to the groom]Thomas: WILT thou have this woman to thy wedded wife, to [The groom answers] I will. [Priest then to the bride] Donna: Wilt thou have this man to thy wedded houseband, [The bride answers] I will [The priest then continues] Who geveth this woman to be maried to this man? [The bride's father replies] I do. The Pledges[The priest then places the bride's right hand into the groom's] [The priest then leads the groom in saying...] I Thomas, take thee Donna to my wedded wife, to have and to holde from This dayforwarde, for better, for wurse, for richer, for poorer, in Sickness, and in health, to love and to cherishe, til death us departe: According to Goddes holy ordeinaunce: [The priest then leads the bride in saying...] I Donna take thee Thomas, to my wedded husbande, to have and to holde From this day forwarde, for better, for woorse, for richer, for poorer, in sickenes and in health, to love, cherishe, and to obey, till death us Departe: Accordyng to Goddes holy ordeinaunce: The Exchange of RingsWith thys ring I thee wed:The ring bearer brings the pillow with the rings forward Thys gold ring I thee geve: with my body I thee wurship: and withal my worldly Goodes I thee endowe. In the name of the father, and of the sonne, and of the holy goste. Amen. [Groom then reads vows written to the bride] With thys ring I thee wed:The priest takes the groom's ring from the pillow, Thys silver ring I thee geve: with my body I thee wurship: and withal my worldly Goodes I thee endowe. In the name of the father, and of the sonne, and of the holy goste. Amen. [Bride crosses herself] [Bride then reads vows written to the groom] Hand FastingYe are Blood of my blood,After the exchange of the rings, and bone of my bone, I give ye my Body, that we Two might be One, I give ye my Spirit, 'til our life shall be done. Union Prayer[The Priest then unties the cord and continues]Let us pray. O ETERNAL God, creator and preserver of al mankinde, gever of al spiritual grace, the author of everlasting life: Sende thy blessing upon these thy servauntes, thys manne, and this woman, whome we blesse in thy name, that as Isaac and Rebecca lived faithfully together; So these persons may surely perfourme and kepe the vowe and covenaunt betwixt them made, wherof this ring geven, and received, is a token and pledge. And may ever remayne in perfite love and peace together; And lyve accordyng to thy lawes; through Jesus Christe our lorde. Amen. [The priest then joins the couples right hands together, and says] Those whome god hath joyned together: let no man put a sundre. [Then the priest then speaks to the congregation] FORASMUCHE as Thomas and Donna have consented together in holye Wedlocke, and have witnessed the same here before god and this cumpany; And therto have geven and pledged theyr trouth eyther to other, and have Declared the same by gevyng and receyvyng gold rings, and by joyning Of handes: I pronounce that they bee man and wyfe together. In the name of the father of the sonne, and of the holy gost. Amen. YOU MAY KISS THE BRIDE!! [Bride and groom kiss] Final BlessingGod the father blesse you.God the sonne kepe you: god the holye gost lighten your understanding: The lorde mercifully with his favour loke upon you, and so fil you with al spiritual benediction, and grace, that you may have remission of your sinnes in this life, and in the worlde to come lyfe everlastyng. Amen. [The priest pauses, then announces for the First Time] I present: Lord and Lady Thomas Jones II |